Affiliated to CBSE Affiliation No. 1130988
School Code - 30925
Siddhant International School also known as Siddhant International School. The school was established in 2009. Siddhant International School is a Co-Ed school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) . It is managed by Chaudhary Attarsingh Yadav Memorable Trust.
Siddhant International School was established in the year 2009. It is an English medium Co-educational Independent school affiliated to CBSE with affiliation number 1130988, with classes Nursery/KG/LKG, I to XII, and has a General affiliation which is valid up to 31/3/2023. It is located in the Pune district of Maharashtra and is currently being managed by the Chaudhari Atarsingh Yadav Memorial Education Trust, Maharashtra. It is presently under the principal -administration of Mr. Avinash Dinanath Dhende, with a total of 43 staff members. There are a total of 49 rooms present in the school. The nearest railway station is Talegaon and it is 10 KM far from the school. You can find other information about the school in the tables below.
Siddhant Group of Institutions
Chakan-Talegaon Road, Near chakan auto hub, Sudumbre,
Pune – 412 109
Admission Coordinator
Prof. Bhagwat Kedar +91 9923906993 / +91 9021977573
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