Department of M.E. – E & TC (VLSI & EMBEDDED SYSTEM)

Department of M.E. – E & TC (VLSI & EMBEDDED SYSTEM)

  • To make quality the defining element of higher education in India through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives
  • To arrange for periodic assessment and accreditation of institutions of higher education or units thereof, or specific academic programs or projects.
  • To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research in higher education institutions.
  • To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations in higher education.
  • To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programs, and
  • To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.
H.O.D. Message

Since its inception in 2005, the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering will be completing 19 years and has grown tremendously in teaching and research. The Department offers a regular four-year B.E program in “Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering having an intake of 60 and Post Graduate program M.E. (Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering – VLSI and Embedded Systems) started in July 2010 having an intake of 18 under the affiliation of Savitribai Phule Pune University.
The Department presently has highly qualified and experienced staff on its roll. The activities of the Department are conducted, besides teaching, in the areas of research, consulting, training, alumni and Training, and Placement. Department is having Advanced Computing Laboratories and Advanced Communication laboratories with high-end equipment in the field.

PG Co-Ordinator

Mr. M.U. Inamdar
M.Tech. (Digital System) ,
Ph.D pursuing

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at Siddhant College of Engineering Established the M.E in VLSI and Embedded Systems program in the academic year 2011-12. The program is designed to groom highly skilled professionals ready to tackle the challenges of this ever-evolving field. With a strong emphasis on research, practical training, and industry-oriented projects, this course equips students with cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on experience.

The field of VLSI and Embedded Systems is at the core of modern technological advancements, driving innovations in areas such as space technology, defense, communication, instrumentation, medical electronics, computing, the Internet, and automation across various industries.

In today’s fast-paced technological world, there is a growing demand for skilled professionals who can contribute to the design, development, and optimization of VLSI and embedded systems.

                                                                          Prof. Inamdar M.U
                                                                          PG Co-Ordinator
                                                Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
                                                            Siddhant College of Engineering, Pune

PG Lab:

Specialization lab

Major Equipments

ARM Board (Prashant distributors)

Tej infocom pvt ltd  computer with CPU keyboard ,mouse, LCD

LPC2148 Based ARM-7 Trainer Kit Model : PlusMake : SPJ System

Silicon Automation System LPC2148 Based ARM-7 Trainer Kit Model : Plus

Silicon Automation System

1. ARM7 Development Board

2.ARM CORTEX LPC 1768 Development Board

3.Interface Board (SD Card,Eathernet DC Motor,Graphics)

4.PSOC FPGA Development Board

Research Specialization lab

Major Equipments

Technosafe multimedia technologies pvt. Ltd DLP projector BUNU mp 515

Cybernet IT Pvt Ltd Computer 3220 I3 8 GB RAM with HCL desktop keyboard mouse

Zenith premium computer  with CPU keyboard ,mouse, LCD

Mechatronics make universal multivendor kit VTU with on board device XC35400PQ 208C i) stepper motor

ii)DC motor

Mechatronics make Spartan-3 trainer model-MXS3FK-IM

Mechatronics make CPLD trainer model-MXCK-084



Lab Photograph

Faculty Details
Sr. No.PhotoNameQualificationExperience in yearEmail Id
1Dr. Prabhat Kr Pallav
Head of Department
BE, M.E (Digital System)
2Mr. M.U. Inamdar
Asst. professor
M.Tech. (Digital System) ,
3Dr. Ashwini Bade
Asst. professor
(VLSI and Emb Sys.), Ph.D
4Mr. V. S. Bhatlawande
Asst. professor
B.E, M.E
Ph.D Pursuing
5.Mrs Nanda Kulkarni
Asst. professor
(VLSI and Emb Sys.),
M.B.A (HR).